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Activating Philanthropy’s Power for Change: The Role of Self-Assessment and Honest Feedback

Taking time out for self-assessment and learning is an important part of the organizational cycle of planning, action and reflection. In the process, how can funders receive and make the most of honest feedback to ensure that they are employing responsive strategies, making better grants and building stronger relationships?

To support grantmakers on this journey, the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP) created Power Moves: Your essential philanthropy assessment guide for equity and justice (link to guide here). Grounded in 40 years of research on strategic social justice philanthropy and the innovative foundation assessment initiative, Philamplify, Power Moves helps funders examine their power and fully activate it to create change—with humility and attention to privilege.

This interactive discussion with a panel of expert practitioners and sector leaders explores how Power Moves can complement your work in the sector.


Philanthropy New York in collaboration with the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy

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