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Grantee Capacity-Building Practice at the Walton Family Foundation

Review and Recommendations for Accelerating Impact

As part of the Walton Family Foundation’s 2025 Strategy, the intentional building of grantee partners’ capacity emerged as a common practice across all the foundation’s programs and departments. As grantmaking from the 2025 Strategy has grown and matured—including the foundation’s grants to build its grantee partners’ capacity—recognition has increased that the foundation’s shared goals provide a North Star towards where we’re headed and could provide additional value by illuminating the varied paths, options and obstacles along the way.

To begin testing this concept, the Walton Family Foundation engaged TCC Group to examine current grantee capacity-building practices, chronicling efforts to date (2021-early 2023) and providing recommendations for enhancing the foundation’s approach to supporting grantee capacity-building.

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