Twitter FAcebook LinkedIn Email Insights & Perspectives • Perspective Convening Effectiveness Matters Jared Raynor, Director, Evaluation and Learning The following article was originally published in Stanford Social Innovation Review. To read the article in its entirety visit SSIR with your subscription information or download a PDF. Large in-person events have been canceled around the world because of COVID-19 restrictions. Have you missed them? In retrospect, how valuable were those meetings? During the pandemic lockdowns, many of them shifted to online. Did you feel compelled to participate? If not, why not? If you participated, how clear were the events’ goals, and how effectively did they advance the issues that you most care about? Jared Raynor, Director of Evaluation and Learning, and Rasmus Heltberg of the World Bank Group, explore these questions and how organizations can strive to make their convenings more effective. Read more… August 29, 2022
A Framework for the Effective Evaluation of Convenings An articulation of our framework around convenings, including questions and guidance that anyone affected by convenings (e.g., funders, grantees, communities… ResourcesBriefing Paper
To Convene or Not Convene? Why COVID May Be Among the Least Important of Your Deciding Factors Before thinking through your next convening, there's a fundamental question that needs to be answered: Should you be convening to… Insights & PerspectivesPerspective
FluxxCon 2024 Organization Track: Stop Loving the Problem! Cultivating a Change Practice that *Actually* Changes Things We talk a lot about Change… Events