Strengthening Nonprofits in the Time of COVID-19: Part One August 27, 2020 By Claire Schultz Part one of our three-part series focuses on the ways grantees must prioritize strength-building to remain resilient and sustainable.
Support Black Artists: A Call to Funders July 6, 2020 By Claire Schultz (Photo credit: AP/Brynn Anderson) As we watch the removal and destruction of monuments that reflect the pain felt by so many people around this country, funders of the arts have an opportunity to galvanize the creation of new public displays that call out the portrayal of racism embedded in our history, system, and values.
Work in Progress: How One Consulting Firm Is Helping Funders Adapt in an Evolving Sector May 11, 2020 By Claire Schultz Inside Philanthropy names TCC Group as “one prominent consultancy worth keeping tabs on,” spotlights our values-based equity work, and underscores our “dedication to a set of values: diversity of perspective, organizational effectiveness and equitable social change.”
“This Is The Time” June 5, 2020 By Claire Schultz At TCC Group, we denounce the recent murders of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Manuel Ellis, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade, and the many instances of police violence. We unequivocally believe that Black Lives Matter, and universally condemn the prevailing systemic racism and oppression that has for centuries perpetuated structural violence and continues to fuel vast societal inequities and injustices. We … Continued
Be Adaptive: Using Information to Adapt Programming (Stage 3) January 9, 2020 By Claire Schultz Part three of our four-part series on media evaluation examines distributing the content of a media campaign and how to track effectiveness.
Equity as Tokenism April 4, 2019 By Claire Schultz How does an evaluator navigate a situation where they are asked to favor certain staff over others because of their identity?
Equity as a Point of Tension March 25, 2019 By Claire Schultz How does an evaluator raise issues related to equity that are influencing the work when key players do not have an equity lens?
Equity as an Afterthought March 11, 2019 By Claire Schultz How does an evaluator focus on equity when it has been added as a new outcome years after an initiative has been in place?
Challenging the Norms February 28, 2019 By Claire Schultz An insightful discussion between four members of our senior leadership on advancing conversations related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Evaluation in the Era of #MeToo February 26, 2019 By Claire Schultz Two TCC staff members explore how issues raised by #MeToo have come up in their work as evaluators and as members of the American Evaluation Association.