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Localization Part 3: Whose Story Is It- Practices for Using a Localization Approach to Share and Interpret Evaluation Findings

Sector: Nonprofit

Localization Part 3: Whose Story Is It- Practices for Using a Localization Approach to Share and Interpret Evaluation Findings

Crucial to using a localization approach (i.e., integrating the voices of those who are most affected by the social or environmental challenges being addressed) is a mindset and a belief that everyone who touches a program or intervention brings skills to the table that can contribute to a successful evaluation. We are all taking in … Continued

Offering the CCAT® to Your Grantees

Strengthen and support your nonprofit partners. Through TCC’s guidance, we have been able to demonstrate to our Board that our nonprofits are working better, smarter; they’re asking the right questions and finding their own solutions… We’ve also proven to nonprofits through TCC’s structure that we will help them to design a program that works for … Continued

CCAT® Facilitator Certification Program

Want to add expert interpretation of TCC Group’s Core Capacity Assessment Tool (CCAT)® to your consulting toolkit? TCC Group has trained hundreds of nonprofit consultants around the world in using the CCAT to lead change in organizations. Certified CCAT Facilitators provide expert guidance to nonprofit leaders to translate assessment results into meaningful organizational improvement. Register … Continued

How Does the CCAT® Work?

Built on decades of experience and research in capacity building, the Core Capacity Assessment Tool (CCAT) measures a nonprofit’s effectiveness in four key ways.